Package com.transifex.txnative.cache
package com.transifex.txnative.cache
ClassDescriptionAn interface for classes that act as cache for translations.Decorator class managing an internal cache and propagating the get() and update() protocol method calls to said cache.Translations provider that loads translations from disk or the application's raw asset files depending on the constructor used.Decorator class responsible for storing any updates of the translations to a directory specified in the constructor.A cache that holds translations in memory.Composite class that accepts a number of translations providers and an internal cache.Decorator class that makes the internal cache read-only so that no update operations are allowed.The standard cache configuration that the TxNative SDK is initialized with, if no other cache is provided.An interface for classes that act as providers of translations (e.g.Decorator class that updates the internal cache using a certain update policy when the
method is called.Update policy that specifies the way that the internal cache is updated with new translations.